on the competition of pupils' and students' creative works

The competition of pupils' and students' creative works "See, Hear, Feel: Towards Understanding" covers the target audience of pupils of secondary schools of Zaporizhzhia and the region, students of Zaporizhzhia National University, centers of support for IDPs in Zaporizhzhia. Zaporizhzhia. It increases the level of interaction between pupils and students, schoolchildren and teachers, children and parents. It aims to inspire young people to have a conscious attitude towards the environment, people with special needs and other vulnerable groups.

Mission of the competition: to promote qualitative changes in the educational and upbringing processes in secondary and higher education on the basis of culture tolerance and human rights values.

The aim of the competition is to involve schoolchildren, students, and teachers of secondary schools in the preparation of entries on the following topics the formation of a culture of tolerance, respect for human rights and promote their popularization.

Organization of the competition: Erasmus+ Program of the European Union, Department of Education and Science of the ZNOA, Philological Faculty of Philology Zaporizhzhia National University.

The organizers form the jury of the competition.

The competition covers the following nominations:** **School Inclusion (School without Barriers)

Inclusion at school (School without barriers). The materials in this nomination are intended to promote the ideas of integrating children with special educational needs into the educational and education processes, developing their talents, communicating with peers, and popularizing the principles of universal design, inclusive solutions in education.

Don't humiliate: anti-bullying rules. The nomination raises the issue of violence in the family and at school. Entries should indicate a clear algorithm for countering physical and psychological harassment of children at school, in the family, and in cyberspace.

Discrimination=mutilated life? Live stories of specific people, representatives of vulnerable groups (IDPs, prisoners of war, people with disabilities, homeless people, people in poverty/difficult life circumstances, children from boarding schools and families in difficult life circumstances life circumstances, persons in institutions and hospices, national minorities (Roma), sexual minorities).

Gender Equality in Action. The materials in this nomination should cover the topic of gender discrimination in Ukrainian art, sexism, the use of gendered vocabulary in everyday life, etc.

In Focus on Art. The topics of the materials in this nomination do not fall under any of the above nominations, but relate to the culture of tolerance and the protection of human rights.

Each participant chooses the genre in which to prepare his or her entry at his or her own discretion.

Participation is open to:

  1. Written works_ Original works of short fiction (essays, sketches, short stories, mini-saga), stories of success stories related to the problems of creating a culture of tolerance and respect for human rights in Ukraine.
  2. Photographs_ Photographs reflecting the problems of a culture of tolerance and reconciliation are accepted for the competition, respect for human rights in Ukraine.
  3. Works of fine art (painting, graphics).
  4. Video works_ Short videos from 30 seconds to 3 minutes are accepted, in which special attention is paid to to the topic of tolerance and human rights protection; the work can be made in the genre of documentary, creative documentary animation.
  5. Audio works_ Radio/audio materials/podcasts (up to 3 minutes) that reveal the problems of culture tolerance in Ukrainian society.
  6. Social advertising_ The competition accepts samples of social advertising (all formats - video, audio, poster, graffiti, drawing, comic book, etc.) that reveal the problem of human rights in Ukraine, human rights protection and struggle for and the struggle for them.

Participation in the competition.

The start of the student competition is April 1, 2024. The deadline for submission is December 6, 2024.

Contestants may submit no more than one material in each nomination (maximum - six works)!

The package of documents includes: