
Project "The European experience of forming a culture of tolerance in the Ukrainian perspective: media, education, art":

  • Takes into account the research principles of the EU, as well as the philosophical and value principles of European civilization and the mechanisms of their integration into academic practice and everyday life;
  • Promotes dialogue between the academic world and the local community (representatives of civil organizations, participants in civil society), government officials (teacher training centers in Zaporizhzhia), and learners at various education levels (especially students and high school students);
  • Shapes a pluralistic consciousness in the complex conditions of modern diversified communication;
  • Focuses on social, economic, technological integration at a high level;
  • Encourages full identification with groups, classes, states, nations, cultures; responsibility and awareness of individual decision-making and choices.

Citizens of Ukraine seek knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary in a dynamically changing society – one that is mobile, multicultural, and digital. The project will contribute to the development of these competencies by implementing the goals of the European Education Area, the Digital Education Action Plan for 2021-2027, and the Youth Strategy of the European Union.

The project's leading strategies are based on:

  • Knowledge and ideas that strengthen the role of the EU in the globalized world, foreseeing active enlightenment work to spread the methodology of forming a value paradigm of an open tolerant civil society not only in the academic environment but also within the broader community by involving representatives of target communities.
  • Awareness and provision of mechanisms for integrating people with different cultural, social, economic backgrounds, those with disabilities, and migrants.

The project "The European experience of forming a culture of tolerance in the Ukrainian perspective: media, education, art" is oriented towards legislative initiatives reflecting the nature of transformation processes in Ukraine:

  • The concept of the state target national-cultural program "Unity in Diversity" conducted by the State Service of Ukraine for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience, in the context of developing legal mechanisms for implementing the Law of Ukraine "On National Minorities (Communities) of Ukraine".
  • The state strategy for ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men until 2030, including the operational plan for its implementation for 2022-2024. The strategy for implementing gender equality in education by 2030.
  • The Istanbul Convention – an international agreement of the Council of Europe, which Ukraine, as one of the countries-author of the Istanbul Convention, signed on November 7, 2011, and ratified on June 20, 2022, adopting the Law of Ukraine dated 20.06.2022 No. 2319-IX "On the Ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence".

The transnational dimension of the project is ensured by its strategic goal and lies in achieving complex interactions between transnational dimensions of conflicts, safe communication, reconciliation, and strengthening the potential of civic awareness, ensuring the prospect of transnational cooperation in the processes of forming an open tolerant society, socio-cultural and intercultural communication.

The leading principles of the project aim to achieve a high level of inter-subjective interactions based on European humanistic tradition and the further dissemination of experience in perceiving the Other. The impact of the project on the interest of EU countries in processes in Ukrainian society and the possibility of achieving a high level of integration is crucial in the context of the potential for transborder cooperation development: the next step after the implementation of the project initiative could be programs of virtual exchange, creative interaction, and the creation of cross-national educational initiatives in formal and informal education.

The project "European Experience in Shaping the Culture of Tolerance in the Ukrainian Perspective: Media, Education, Art" performs the following functions:

  • Informative: systematization, classification, and integration of activities of organizations at different levels and legal status that create a cluster structure of civil society.
  • Motivational: increasing chances of successful employment, practical orientation (application of tolerance principles in later life).
  • Integrative: involvement of the community, practical specialists, implementation of experience beyond the university environment.
  • Innovative: combining theory and practice of tolerance issues, modes of everyday life and its symbolic projections (art), involving original methodologies in working with collective consciousness.

Therefore, the strategic goal of this project is the synthesis and integration of principles and strategies for ensuring equality and non-discrimination, ways to counter hate speech, and addressing other relevant issues of diversity and inclusion in the academic sphere and public space.